sorry I haven't posted for a while we have been busy with all this quarantine stuff going on...I hope you all are staying well and if you are, keep it up!  =)  Oh and I want to give you all a big HAPPY LATE EASTER EVERYONE! 😃😄 
Today I will be telling you a story when I was like 7. Myla and Isabella where 9 and 11! So lets get rite on to today's...(tonight's) post!!!

When my mom hid all the eggs for us to find we all charged and ran as fast as we could go to find the most eggs! I was the "worst" at finding eggs, aaaaand I still am... well I ran and found my first egg! Well meanwhile Izzy and Myla were already on there third egg! I was mad and always was the one who had only like 4 to 5 eggs in my basket. Ive gotten better at finding eggs but am still not as good as finding eggs as my sisters. Once my sister Izzy hid the eggs and obviously she hid them in really hard places. We found all the eggs but there was one left with a hole bunch of chocolate in it! I was tempted to find it, bit we never EVER did!! Today I dont know were in the WORLD it is but probably the chocolate is moldey and melted so yeah dont think I want to find that egg any more!

Hope you all liked todays post! 


  1. Fun Nicki! I love it!
    Yes, every year we lose one egg with candy in it. (although it is fun to find a few day's later)
    So glad you had a great Easter! Tank you Lord for dining for my sins!

  2. Nikki, do you know what happened to your sister Izzy's blog? I went on it and it said 'blog not found'.

    1. She changed it to

    2. Thanks, Annika!


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